The Ultimate 2023 On-Page SEO Checklist

We know you've heard the saying, "Content is King." But what if I told you that it's not just content that makes Google love your website? It's also how you optimize the technical aspects of your site. SEO expert in Ahmedabad explained that On-page SEO could help make sure that Google knows what your page is about and shows it in the search engine results pages (SERPs).

In this post, we'll cover some basic best practices for optimizing search engines on your website: from keyword research to crawl errors and duplicate meta content.

Do Your Keyword Research And Pick Your Main Keyword.

Keyword research is a critical first step for any SEO, but it's also one of the most difficult and time-consuming parts of optimizing your website. SEO expert in Ahmedabad shared good news is that there are a ton of tools out there to help you find keywords that relate to your business and audience, as well as determine which ones have the highest search volume.

To get started, use Google Keyword Planner to do an initial keyword search for your site:

Analyze Web Page Speed. 

Speed is a significant factor in search ranking. Google takes page load time into account when determining which sites show up first in search results.

webpage speed

This can mean a difference of more than 10% of your organic traffic, so it's important to make sure your site loads quickly.

  •         Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom to analyze your website's speed. Make sure it loads fast and minimizes redirects.
  •         In addition, use a CDN (Content Delivery Network) to boost your site's performance.
  •         Get your site indexed. To make sure Google knows about your website, you need to submit it to search engines. This is called indexing and can be done by submitting a sitemap or by placing codes on your site that tell the search engine what content is available.
  •         You can also submit your website to search engines using Google Search Console. Set up a mobile site or app. Google gives preference to sites that are easily accessible on mobile devices, which is why an SEO expert in Ahmedabad suggests that it's important to make sure your site looks good on smaller screens.

Pay Attention To Your Url

The URL structure of your site is an important factor in search engine rankings. This includes the number of URLs on your site, their length, and complexity, whether they have parameters or not, and how many redirects there are between pages.

Use a URL shortener to create shorter, cleaner URLs that are easier to read and share. Avoid using underscores ( _ ) or question marks (?) in your URLs. Use hyphens (-) instead of underscores to separate words in your URL. Make sure there are no more than two levels of directories below the homepage of your site.

The more important a page is, the higher its ranking will be in search results. Important pages include your home page, contact page, and any landing pages that can help you drive conversions.

The number of indexed pages on your site also helps determine search engine rankings. If a search engine has to crawl through many pages before it finds something relevant, it might not rank your site as highly as one with fewer pages but more valuable content.

Fix Crawl Errors In Search Console.

One of the most important aspects of achieving a successful online presence is managing your website’s crawl errors in Google Search Console. This tool gives you insight into the performance of your site, and can be used to pinpoint errors that are preventing search bots from crawling effectively.

crawl errors

Common crawl errors include broken links, duplicate pages, and redirect loops, but this Ultimate 2023 On-Page SEO Checklist takes your website optimization one step further by making sure all on-page elements are properly optimized for both search engine visibility and user experience.

From meta tags to heading structure and content organization, this checklist ensures every page of your website is optimized to rank higher in search results and appeal to visitors.

It's essential for any business that wants their website to get noticed by potential customers—without it, they may be losing out on valuable leads. With the help of this checklist, fixing crawl errors doesn't have to be an intimidating or expensive endeavor; instead, it can help make Google love your website!

Look For Duplicate Meta Content. 

It can be difficult to spot duplicate meta content when you're working with a large website, but it's important to keep an eye out for it. This can happen when you have multiple pages that contain the same information or use the same keywords.

For example, if your business has two different websites that both talk about "how-to" tips for baking cookies, then Google will see them as duplicates and penalize both URLs.

You may have written a great page on your website, but it's time to check your metadata if it's not getting the traffic it deserves. The first step is checking all five main areas of metadata:

  •         Meta title
  •         Meta description
  •         Meta keywords
  •         Robots tags (meta robots)

SEO Optimize Your Images

Images are an important part of your website's search engine optimization. They can be used to make your site more attractive, but you'll also want to make sure that they're optimized so that Google can understand what each image is about and how it's relevant to the user's query.

image optimaization

The first step is ensuring that all of your images have alt text (the "alternative text" for those unfamiliar with HTML) and title tags.

The next step is to make sure that all of your images have the right file extensions. For example, if you're hosting a JPEG file on your site but it's also called "jpg", Google will treat it as an HTML file, not an image.

Make sure that each image has a unique name and extension, such as "my_image.jpg" instead of just "my_image". If you have multiple images on the same page, they should all have captions. This will help Google understand what each image is about and how it's relevant to the user's query.

Technical On-Page Seo

  •         Do your keyword research and pick your main keyword (if you haven't already).
  •         Analyze web page speed. It's one of the most important things when it comes to Google rankings. You should aim for a page loading time of 2 seconds or less. If possible, try to get it under 1 second!
  •         Fix crawl errors in Search Console. An SEO expert in Ahmedabad will guide you on an easy way to make sure that Google can find all the content on your website and index it properly. With this step completed, you'll be well on your way to having high-quality content accessible for crawling by search engines like Google!


It's important to remember that On-Page SEO is still extremely relevant. It may not be the only thing Google looks at, but it's a huge part of any good website.

 Source:  The Ultimate 2023 On-Page SEO Checklist


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