Maintain your Rankings With On Page SEO - Follow this Guide

 The on-page SEO is one of the most important aspects in search engine optimization. It's important to understand how Google crawls and decides what to rank, but you need to also know how to make your website stand out from its competitors. 

The answer of the above question is to connect with the Best SEO company in Ahmedabad for the best services and follow this guide will help you with that!

Introduction to on page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that it ranks higher in search results. It's a set of best practices for making sure that your site has all the elements necessary for high rankings, such as:

  • Keywords and keyword research - The right keywords will help you reach more customers who are looking for what you offer. 
  • Title tags - This is one of the most important parts of any page because it shows up above the fold in Google's SERPs (search engine results pages). 
  • Meta descriptions - These short blurbs appear below each listing when someone searches for something related to what you provide.

Title and Meta Description

The title and meta description are two of the most important fields on your page. They're what people see in search engine results, so it's worth taking time to write them well.

The title is what shows up at the top of your browser window when you search for something on Google or Bing. It should be relevant, unique and descriptive--but not too long (Google will truncate anything over 70 characters). 

Meta descriptions are less visible but equally important: they show up under each result as a short summary describing what that page is about--and again should be unique depending on how many other websites have also linked back to us from their pages too!

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the process of finding, analyzing and selecting the best keywords for your website. Keywords are words or phrases that people use when searching for products or services. They're the foundation of SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

To get started with keyword research, your best SEO company in Ahmedabad need to conduct an audit of your site's content and analyze its performance in search engines. You can do this manually or use a tool like Ahrefs or SEMrush which will automate most of it for you but either way it won't take long before you have a list of relevant keywords that represent opportunities for improvement.

Best SEO Company in Ahmedabad

Headlines and sub-headlines

Headlines and sub-headlines are crucial. They're your first opportunity to make a good first impression, so make sure they're engaging and attention grabbing. Headlines should be the same length as the body of text below them, which is typically between 100-150 characters (including spaces). The font should also be easy to read, so don't go crazy with italics or bolding!

Anchor text and internal links

In the world of SEO, anchor text is the text that links to your site. It's also important to note that you can use keywords as anchor text when linking to internal pages on your website. This will help improve your rankings because it gives Google an idea of what kind of content is on those pages and how relevant it may be for a particular search term.

Content - use the right keywords 

The first part of on page SEO is to use the right keywords in your content. When writing, make sure you're using the keywords that people would be searching for when they want to find a website like yours.

  • Don't overuse them - You don't want to keyword stuff or repeat your keywords too much because this can look like spam and it won't help your rankings at all! The best way is just to sprinkle some throughout the article so that readers know what they're getting into when they click through.
  • Make sure you have a good ratio of keywords versus actual content - If there are too many words than just "keyword, keyword" then Google will see this as spammy and penalize you for it by dropping down those rankings further than before.
  • Don't use words too long/complex - It doesn't matter how much research was done beforehand; if someone has trouble understanding what's being said then chances are no one else will either!

Structure - use heading tags, bold, italics

  • Headings: Use the heading tags (H1, H2 and H3) to structure your content. This will make it easier for users to scan through the page and find what they need quickly.
  • Bold, italicize and underline important words or phrases within your content. This helps to draw attention to key points of information, allowing users who are skimming through the page or reading in a hurry to take note of them more easily than if they were written normally without any formatting elements applied.
  • Bullet points: Use bullet points when listing items that belong together (such as steps in an instruction manual). This allows readers who may not have time read everything thoroughly but still want basic information about what's covered on each point without having too many details bogging down their understanding of the topic at hand


You have to remember that Google is a search engine and it wants to return the best results. So, if you want to rank well, then you need good quality content. This means that your site should seek help from the best SEO company in Ahmedabad that stay regularly updated with fresh content and not just copied from other sources or spun articles.


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